In the Zone – July 2024

Hello Zone 7,

I am writing this on the official first day of SUMMER. & already ½ the year has passed. 

I attended the 68th Porsche Parade last month in Birmingham Alabama. I did not know what to expect when visiting Birmingham … It was impressive / & really fun. The Parade campus was the Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex, two hotels, and the “City Walk” area under the freeway, which was a unique place where the Zone Mixer was held, other parties and the Concours with historical displays and even 20 Porsche Bikes in Porsche racing livery. I am always amazed with the vision and creativity of parade event planners. The concours participants had indoor prep area at the convention center. That was a site to see. The week started for me with some PCA business as prior to Parade officially opening. One item of business as it is the Summer EC National meeting and Zone Rep meeting(s), I will be sharing lots of information with your Region Presidents as follow up.

The 2025 Porsche Parade is in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma July 6 to12.

And just announced the 2026 Porsche Parade will be at Lake Placid, New York June 14 to 20

The trophy winners from the competition events at Parade and the annual PCA National awards presented at Parade can be found on soon. They are listed in posts on the PCA facebook page in various posts Porsche Parade facebook page   

I would like to congratulate all the participants and all those who submitted information to be considered for National Awards both for regions and for individuals who have exemplified what PCA is and all that our members do.

For Zone 7 please join me in congratulating the Regions that received National Awards.

  • Website Awards: Zone 7 Website 3rd place in the Zone category, Richard Chew, webmaster
  • Newsletter Awards: Loma Prieta Region Newsletter (The Prieta Post) 2nd place in “class III”
  • Public Service Awards: Sequoia Region Public Service, 2nd place.

End of June and July I’ll be attending a Region DE and Clubrace at Sonoma, Visiting Sierra Nevada Region & taking part in their Zone 7 Series Concours & later in the month visiting the Monterey Region including their Zone 7 Concours. Then ready to board ship for Treffen at Sea Alaska. Very excited for all the PCA activities on board the ship.

Werks Monterey registration is open NOW. Werks reunion monterey .

Please look below for 2024 events and information.

See you at an event SOON!


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Brian Adkins
Zone 7 Representative
Diablo Region