In the Zone – October 2023

Hello Zone 7,

Another event packed month! September was a BLAST!

My month started with visiting the Yosemite Region New Member event. FUN times with a personalized wine tasting and some great food. Yosemite Region is on a roll with loads of enthusiasm and activities. Welcome new members and all.

The Golden Gate Region DE and Club Races at Laguna Seca were a blast. If you have even thought of doing a DE, I can’t more highly recommend it … Learn your car and what you can do with one-on-one instruction (see schedule below). Get up close with the racecars and watch some exciting racing.

I am writing this while at Treffen St Louis, Gateway to the West … Getting ready to go to the cocktail party and dinner. More on that next time

Wanted to get this out early as there is a big event coming up …


Thank you to the over 550 volunteers who raised their hand.

PCA Hospitality had more than 50+ speakers and special guests.

There was a special presentation of the Transformers movie on Friday night.

Saturday night was a concert. Some group called the Dobbie Brothers. All part of their 50th Anniversary Tour (but not on the tour schedule).

Thank you and see you at an event soon.


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Brian Adkins
Zone 7 Representative
Diablo Region