Hello Zone 7,
So great to see many of you at the Zone 7 Annual Awards banquet. Autocross, Concours and non-competitive awards were presented. Congratulations to all who participated throughout the year and to those bringing home the trophies.
I did want to highlight and congratulate those who received special Zone 7 non-competition awards. PCA, your Zone and the Regions really are “Fueled By Volunteers.” These awards are given to those who bring that volunteerism and passion to higher highs or if it is fuel, let’s call these folks Race Fuel.
Autocross Zone 7 Chair Brant Ballantyne and a team of Region Chairs, along with an army of volunteers continue to make the Series a success. The Autocross and Concours Series results are posted on the Zone Website.
2024 Autocross event 1 & 2 are open for registration.
An exciting change for this year is that all participating Regions are now using the Zone 7 Classification system (we had been “borrowing” another system). Info and link are on the Zone website. Another change is that ALL participants who take part in a Zone 7 Series designated Autocross will automatically be earning points for the Zone Series. Not only the Regions day of event results. When at an autocross look for the #1 car. We have added an award for Overall PAX winner from the previous year to carry the Zone 7 Terry Zaccone #1 car number. Congratulations to Himanshu Patel for earning that award in 2023 and to carry the Car #1 in the 2024 events. The Zone 7 Concours Series spearheaded by Co-Chairs Simone Kopitski & Roy Schauben. Who do SO much, supporting the Region Concours are to be applauded. The winners are all listed on the Zone website. Here again we find another tank of that “Race Fuel”…. Zone 7 Concours “Appreciation Awards” for Volunteering and their passion to the Concours Series. Given to people that attended 5 or more events and volunteered on all those events.
Zone judging class (zoom) is open for registration followed by your choice of 1 of the 3 in person class. You know where that info is … on the Zone 7 website,. Zone7.pca.org The first event will be held on Memorial Day as part of the Diablo Region 40th Anniversary 3 day celebration.
For more photos, please take a look at the Zone 7 facebook page we had a blast!
See you next year at the awards … The cake was delicious …(decorated by yours truly.)
See you at an event SOON!
Brian Adkins
Zone 7 Representative
Diablo Region